

Just after I launched this blog, I discovered a fellow blogger (or rather, she discovered me) who was doing a series of “what’s in the box?” posts revealing her produce box she gets weekly. I thought I would piggy back off this idea with our CSA boxes.

Today, the Mister and I drove out to the farm to pick up a little preview assortment of goodies (and just to visit the animals … and people). Basically, if we made the trip to the farm, we got a free week of food. The actual CSA shares start coming our way the first weekend in June (20 weeks worth).

I had a hunch regarding what we’d come home with based on the fact that I do know approximate produce seasons (at least in the Midwest). I, however, was not anticipating this bounty:

We’ve got (clockwise from top left) spinach, asparagus, breakfast radishes, mustard greens, blackberry jam, spring onions, and rhubarb.

If this is a preview week, I’m anxious about what to expect for the real deal. It’s a lot to eat! But so exciting to have such a variety of healthy and delicious food coming our way.  When we signed up for this, the Mister and I knew we would run into food we’ve never eaten before and potentially stuff we won’t like. But we promised we’d keep an open mind and get creative.

The asparagus and spinach are not a concern as we eat these regularly. Neither are the jam and rhubarb (hello, pie!). The other items will pose a bit more of a challenge. I’ve already been looking up recipes, and here are some options I’m pondering:

The Mister’s parents fly in for a visit on Wednesday, so they’ll be the lucky guinea pigs for our first CSA experiments. We’ll let you know how it goes.